Services to staff
Student Counselling’s professional staff assist staff in an advisory, advocacy and research capacity.
Academic Staff
We provide the following assistance to academic staff:
- With the early identification of students at risk of failure or drop-out and the planning of appropriate interventions to aid their retention and academic success
- With students who present with personal, adjustment, social, welfare, or study related problems which negatively impact on their academic performance and –progress
- With students who present as a psychiatric emergency (e.g. are suicidal, or homicidal, or are experiencing a psychotic episode)
- Crisis intervention or trauma debriefing to students who’ve experienced a crisis, or have been exposed to a traumatic event
- Life- and career preparedness skills development through the facilitation of training workshops
- Joint research initiatives
- With financially needy students in urgent need of a temporary food supply
- With appeals against academic exclusions (where appropriate and based on merit)
- With the rehabilitation of students referred to us via disciplinary hearings, where appropriate
Staff at Student Residences
The following assistance is provided to staff at student residences
- With residence students who present with personal, social, welfare, or study related problems which negatively impact on their academic performance and –progress
- With appeals against exclusions from residence (where appropriate and based on merit)
- Crisis intervention or trauma debriefing to students who’ve experienced a crisis, or have been exposed to a traumatic event