Employee Wellness
The staff wellness service offerings aims to provide wellness services to promote staff functioning at optimal level. The wellness programme is designed to provide support to our staff member’s to effectively manage life challenges, thus offering an impactful, needs based, integrated health and wellness approach.
Services offered
- The provision of free counselling services to employees and their families, including access to legal, medical and financial advise.
- Trauma management in offering trauma containment, debriefing on-site and on-one basis.
- Promotion of wellness through physical activities, financial management awareness inclusive of budgeting, debt counselling, and training.
- Customized education and awareness sessions on various topics to faculties and Departments.
- Integrated ill-health incapacity management in providing support to line managers and HRBP’s with requests for reasonable accommodation, secondary assessments, temporary and permanent disability boarding applications.
Contact details
Lifestyle and Wellness Specialist: Ms Joyce-Lyn Esterhuizen
Tel: 021 460 9070
Email: esterhuizenjo@cput.ac.za
Office: Room 6.12a Administration Building, District Six Campus