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The Department of Emergency Medical Sciences’ Dr Navindhra Naidoo is the chair of an expert panel on Evidence-based First Aid for First Responders (FAFR) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Education Faculty’s Prof Janet Condy is calling for a new curriculum which provides deep, life-worthy learning that is purposeful and of a higher level of complexity.

A seasoned academic in the Education Faculty will be delivering her inaugural Professorial Lecture at the Bellville Campus on Monday.

The Director of CPUT’s Oxidative Stress Research Centre is leading a new trial which will investigate how green and traditional Rooibos herbal tea may modulate risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and support heart health.

Thursday, 01 November 2018

Taking Nursing to new heights

Preparations are in full swing for the Department of Nursing Science to welcome its first group of mainstream 4-year undergraduate students to the Bellville Campus next year.

CPUT’s Prof Yusuf Sayed, South African Research Chair in Teacher Education and Director of the Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE), has won the prestigious South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Research Honours Award. 

CPUT recently hosted the three-day International Conference of the Southern African Society for Education (SASE) which provided a forum for debating multi-disciplinary educational issues which impact higher education.