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Friday, 04 September 2020

Interfacing with Digital Africa

VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: The conference is scheduled to take place from 14 to 16 September. VIRTUAL CONFERENCE: The conference is scheduled to take place from 14 to 16 September.

A number of prominent international scholars as well as South African academics and practitioners are expected to attend the 2020 South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) conference later this month. 

CPUT formed the organising committee for this year’s event, which for the first time in its 38-year history will be hosted as a virtual conference.  

It is scheduled to take place from 14 to 16 September and the conference chair is the Department of Applied Design’s Prof Izak van Zyl.

“SAICSIT's conference supports local education, research and development in computing and information technology,” said Dr Travis Noakes, sponsorship and web chair and a postdoctoral fellow at CPUT, adding that more than 75 papers have been submitted.

A number of Masters and PhD students will also be able to attend the doctoral consortium.

This year’s theme is Interfacing with Digital Africa.

Noakes said the theme seeks to address how the work of computer science and IT researchers interfaces with unique opportunities and challenges on the continent.

“It also aims to spotlight the gaps and challenges for our research community’s exploration of under-resourced settings and marginalised communities outside the defaults of ‘standard’ computing and information technology environments.”

The keynote speakers are Prof Johannes Cronje, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Design and Prof Ulrike Rivett, Director of the School of IT at the University of Cape Town.

“CPUT's SAICSIT2020 organising committee (OC) is grateful to the event’s seed funders: SAICSIT and CPUT's Advancement Department, which co-ordinates SAICSIT2020 sponsor requests and payments. The OC also greatly appreciates The Association for Computing Machinery's Diversity and Inclusion Council's funding of the virtual conference and allied diversity initiatives. Further, the OC thanks the Southern Africa Student Chapter of the International Network for Post Graduate Students for supporting the postgraduate symposium and for covering SAICSIT2020’s brand identity and website development costs,” said Noakes.

For more information go to:

Written by Ilse Fredericks
