Tuesday, 01 October 2019

Students embrace their roots

CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Department of Biotechnology and Consumer Science lecturer, Theloshni Govender (far right), and students celebrate their heritage. CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Department of Biotechnology and Consumer Science lecturer, Theloshni Govender (far right), and students celebrate their heritage.

Students celebrated their cultures by showcasing their traditional attire as well as performed an assortment of music and traditional dances during a heritage month event.

The event, which was held at the District Six Campus, was hosted by the Department of Biotechnology and Consumer Science to inspire the university’s community to embrace their roots.

The ceremony began with the singing of the national anthem which they sang perfectly. Student Langelihle Ngonyama delivered the opening prayer and said she believed that God is the creator of all cultures and the diversity in our nation.

Head of Department: Dr Vanessa Jackson told the audience that the Heritage Day is more than just a public holiday for South Africans but it is a day to celebrate their cultural history and diversity.

“It is about showing love to each other and learn that we are one, but we are all different. [Now] it is time to reach out to each other.” She added that there was a need to recognise the diverse cultures in South Africa as there are people from different ethnic groups and races as well as those who come from other African countries.

The event’s organiser and lecturer, Theloshni Govender, said: “We celebrate this month to make our nation a beautiful rainbow nation.”

First-year student, Azanele Manyoni, recited her poem “Soldier”.

Another student Zoe Setti, a Zambian national, said she felt good about the day as she learnt about her heritage and to appreciate other cultures. “[At home] we were also celebrating the birth of my older brother's baby girl. The new addition to our family is half-Xhosa and half-Zambian so future celebrations will be a warm celebration of the two cultures,” she added. 

Written by Des