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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Open Knowledge course

INNOVATIVE: CPUT Librarians are collaborating on an international course with their counterparts from Virginia Tech in the US INNOVATIVE: CPUT Librarians are collaborating on an international course with their counterparts from Virginia Tech in the US

Despite being on separate sides of the globe, CPUT librarians and their counterparts at the Virginia Tech in the United States are collaborating on developing a new module that will be introduced into the international Open Knowledge course.

Work on this innovative project began just months after Dr Elisha Chiware, Director of CPUT Libraries and Tyler Walters, Dean of the Virginia Tech Libraries, signed a memorandum of understanding that will foster various collaborations between the two institutions.

The course will focus on assisting students with the process to publish their research and will be presented as a massive open online course, commonly known as a MOOC.

The course forms part of the Public Knowledge Project, which is a multi-university initiative focused on making the results of public funded research freely available through open access policies.

Work on the course began earlier this year, with each team working on a specific aspect of it.

The course will cover issues in journal publishing such as peer review, editorial policies, plagiarism and reproducibility. Open access will also be introduced to students.

“We also hope to run a pilot project at CPUT in one of the faculties and include the course as an extra resource as part of the Advanced Information Literacy course that is being developed this year,” says CPUT’s Janine Lockhart.

The team has been working on the project for the past several months and the module will be rolled out in September.

Lockhart says the course will also be translated into Spanish.

*Other members of the CPUT team working on the project include Yunus Omar, Zanele Mathe, Petro Coreejes Brink, Lara Skelly.

For more information on the project see: http://blogs.lt.vt.edu/havelanguagewilltravel/2014/02/02/cput-strategic-collaboration/

Written by Candes Keating

Tel: +27 21 959 6311
Email: keatingc@cput.ac.za

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