Enquiries - Frequently Asked Questions
Application Related Queries
What are the application timelines for CPUT?
The application cycle for undergraduate programmes opens annually from approximately May to September, with some programmes closing as early as July. Full research postgraduate applications are open until approximately March of the next year. Please visit the CPUT website at www.cput.ac.za closer to the time to ascertain the exact dates.
Does CPUT offer a second semester application intake for the undergraduate programmes?
CPUT does not open applications for the second semester.
Are applications done online or can I submit an application form at one of the CPUT campuses?
Please apply via the online portal as manual applications (paper-based applications) will not be processed. This is applicable to both national and international applicants. Please visit the CPUT website for more information via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply and follow the steps outlined on the lefthand pane.
How much is the application fee?
There are no fees payable for the online application.
How much are the fees per programme for 2025?
All quotations for student fees can be made to the Student Finance Office as indicated below:
- Bellville, Tygerberg and Wellington Programmes: Ms Mallory Ezra - ezram@cput.ac.za
- District Six, Granger Bay and Mowbray Programmes: Mr Thembile Kunene - kunenet@cput.ac.za
Does CPUT offer financial aid?
Please visit the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/funding for information relating to financial aid.
Can I apply for more than one programme?
Applicants may apply for a maximum of three programmes in a particular application cycle. Detailed information outlining the application process is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply.
Am I allowed to apply if I am not 18 years old at the time of application? How do I submit the minor declaration form and proceed with the online application if I am not 18 years old?
Please refer to the detailed information on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-2-gather-your-documents-or-upload-further-outstanding-documents.
How do I know at which campus a programme is offered?
A list of programmes which includes the campus of offering is available on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply. Please follow the links on the lefthand pane to access all the application related information.
Are classes offered via distance learning?
CPUT does not offer distance learning programmes.
Are classes offered online?
Blended teaching and learning i.e. face-to-face and/or online engagements will be faculty/programme specific, and students will be informed accordingly by the respective departments.
Do I need to apply again if I have previously applied and was not accepted?
Yes, you are required to submit a new application for each application cycle.
Please visit the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply for all the application related information.
I applied last year, was accepted but did not register. Will I automatically be accepted if I apply for the next application cycle?
There is no guarantee that your application will be accepted again as selections are based on and impacted by several factors.
Can I apply online without an e-mail and/or cell phone number?
An email address and cell phone number must be captured to ensure that you receive communication from the institution. Please create an email address via www.gmail.com before commencing with the CPUT online application (if you do not have one) and load your most recent cell phone number. CPUT will not be held liable if you do not receive communication and it is thus imperative that you ensure that the information is always up to date.
I am struggling with the online application process. Where can I view the Application Guide? Who can I contact for assistance?
Online application guides are available for ALL categories of applications. Kindly visit the CPUT website for more information via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-4-online-application or contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767. Alternatively, please contact the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
How do I return to the wizard to complete my online application if I lost my internet connection before submitting my application?
Log in via http://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply if you have already started an online application with CPUT and indicate as below:
Do you already have a student number? – select NO
Returning to complete application – select YES
Click on the RESUME Application button
Can I enter my nickname, or should I enter my full names whilst completing my application?
Please enter your full name(s) as they appear in your identity document/identity card/passport.
How do I enter my Date of Birth (DOB) whilst completing my application?
You may either use the online calendar in the field or manually enter your DOB (e.g. 16-SEP-1991); please do not enter your DOB without dashes (-) e.g. 16 SEP 1991.
How do I change my name and/or surname if incorrectly captured after I submitted my application?
Submit your request for biographical changes, together with a certified copy of your identity document/identity card/passport (certification not older than three months) to the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
Who do I contact to change my address or cell phone number after I submitted my application?
Please note that you can update this information on the SOS system via http://www.cput.ac.za/SOS. It is important to note that it remains the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the latest contact details are captured, especially the most recent cell phone number as CPUT will not be held liable if you do not receive communication.
How do I submit supporting documents not uploaded during the online application process? I was disconnected on the page for uploading of documents, how do I complete the application?
Access the CPUT website page via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-2-gather-your-documents-or-upload-further-outstanding-documents and follow the instructions on this page.
Who do I contact should I need assistance with selecting the correct matric type (School leaving type)? Who do I contact if a matric subject is not listed?
Applicants who require assistance can contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767.
How do I upload my supporting documents during/after the completion of my online application? Can I upload a .pdf / .jpg / .tiff / .exe file? Can I upload an excel sheet or word document?
Please refer to the detailed information on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-2-gather-your-documents-or-upload-further-outstanding-documents.
Will I get an e-mail notification as evidence of the submission of the online application? How will I know that my application was submitted online? I have submitted my application online but did not receive my e-mail notification?
Applicants will receive an Application Verification email confirming the application made for the respective programme. Please check your junk e-mail folder for possible e-mail notifications. Application confirmation may also be checked via http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track. Applicants who require assistance can contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767.
I have applied for three programmes for the 2025 academic year, how do I add a fourth application?
The fourth-choice application option is available during the registration cycle and only where faculties have identified programmes with available spaces. The fourth-choice application process (where applicable) will be published on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications.
I meet the minimum entrance requires of the programme; will I automatically be accepted?
Meeting the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee placement in the respective programme(s) as acceptance is based on and impacted by several factors.
I have completed my application, what is the next step? How will I know if CPUT has accepted my application?
Applicants must regularly track the status/outcome of their application(s) via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track as CPUT does not post or email the outcome to applicants; the official letter confirming the outcome is available for download on this link.
Application Related Queries
Documents and Upgraded/Remark Results
I have received my final 2024 NSC results. Do I need to submit these results to CPUT?
National students – The final results as published by the Department of Basic Education and Training is available to CPUT. However, you may be contacted by staff from the respective faculty to submit a certified copy (certification not older than three months) of your final results if there is a need.
International students – Please submit the required documentation as outlined in the 2025 Registration Booklet available via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
Which documents are required for international applications?
Please refer to the detailed information available via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-2-gather-your-documents-or-upload-further-outstanding-documents and https://www.cput.ac.za/study/international-applicants and
Where can I check for programme specific additional required documents?
Detailed information is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-2-gather-your-documents-or-upload-further-outstanding-documents.
My status shows “outstanding documents”. I have uploaded the relevant documentation, but my status has not changed and still reflects “outstanding documents”?
The status change is not an automated process. Please inform the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC) after you have uploaded; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
When I applied, I indicated that I am currently in the process of upgrading subject(s) and uploaded the proof thereof, but my application was rejected. Will I be reconsidered with my new upgraded results?
Please contact the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC) for assistance; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
I upgraded my Grade 12 results and received the final outcome, but the upgraded results do not reflect on SOS under School Leaving Certificate Subjects. How do I update my School Leaving Certificate results?
You will not be able to update the results. Please submit a certified copy (certification not older than 3 months) of your upgraded results to the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
I applied for a remark of my final Grade 12 subject(s) and received the final outcome, but these results do not reflect on the system. How do I update the results?
You will not be able to update the results. Please submit a certified copy (certification not older than 3 months) of your upgraded results to the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
Application Related Queries
Status Description/Follow-Up
My status shows “Acknowledgement of Application”, what does this mean?
This status confirms that your application was received by CPUT. Applicants need not visit the campus to follow-up on the status/outcome of their application as they can track this information via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track. CPUT does not post or email the outcome to applicants and the official letter confirming the outcome is available for download on this link.
My status shows “Online Incomplete”, what does this mean?
You have not fully completed the online application and your application will thus not be evaluated. Applicants need not visit the campus to follow-up as they can directly contact the respective staff member via email at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
My status shows “Application being Processed”, what does this mean?
Your application has been allocated to a particular batch by the Application and Registration Centre (ARC) and the batch has been released to the respective faculty for evaluation purposes. Applicants need not visit the campus to follow-up on the status/outcome of their application as they can track this information via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track. CPUT does not post or email the outcome to applicants and the official letter confirming the outcome is available for download on this link.
My status shows “Alternative Selection Outcome”, what does this mean?
You have applied for the mainstream programme of a qualification, but the selectors have referred you to the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP) of this qualification. For example, you have applied to the Diploma in Humanity, but you were referred for consideration to the Diploma in Humanity ECP as your results are more suited to the admission requirements of the ECP programme. Applicants who register for the ECP programme will complete the Diploma programme over four-years. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 or the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC) should you require more information; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require further information in this regard.
I have been “Provisionally Accepted”, what does this mean?
Provisional acceptance indicates that you have not been fully accepted into the programme and will only be considered for full acceptance once the 2024 NSC results have been released. Selectors will evaluate the published NSC results of provisionally accepted applicants from Thursday, 16 January 2025 to Wednesday, 22 January 2025 and applicants must regularly track their application status via http://www.cput.ac.za/study/track to ascertain the outcome of their application. Applicants who are accepted will be notified via SMS and must register within 48 hours as their space will be allocated to the next deserving applicant if they do not register within this timeframe. The 48-hour rule will only be applicable as of Tuesday, 21 January 2025. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 should you wish to query your allocated status. Alternatively, contact the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
I have been “Waitlisted – Space Availability”. What does this mean and when will I know if I am accepted or not?
Your application has been placed on a Waiting List due to space availability in the programme you have applied to i.e. the programme has reached full capacity. Waiting list applicants will be considered on one of the following basis: (1) should space become available in the programme before the end of this year (2) after the NSC results have been released in January 2025 and space becomes available (3) after the registration period in February 2025 and there is still space available in the programme. Applicants need not visit the campus to follow-up on the status/outcome of their application as they can regularly track this information via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track once the registration has commenced on Tuesday, 21 January 2025. Applicants who are accepted will be notified via SMS and must register within 48 hours as their space will be allocated to the next deserving applicant if they do not register within this timeframe. The 48-hour rule will only be applicable as of Tuesday, 21 January 2025. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 should you wish to query your allocated status. Alternatively, contact the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
I have been “Accepted”, what is the next step?
The 2025 Registration Booklet, indicating the online registration dates in the new year will be published on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration. Download the registration booklet once published and read the step-by-step instructions. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 should you have further queries in this regard.
My application was “Not Accepted”. Why?
Your application was regrettably declined on one of the following basis: (1) academic symbols (marks obtained) do not meet the minimum entrance requirements (2) academic subjects are not the required subjects for the programme (3) acceptance has been based on academic performance and/or university policy consideration. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 should you wish to query your allocated status. Alternatively, contact the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
I meet all the requirements for the programme I have applied to but my application was not accepted. How can my application be re-considered?
The outcome of selections is final. However, should you wish to appeal the allocated outcome you may submit a motivation including the reasons for the appeal and provide supporting documents e.g. proof of results to the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries or contact the Call Centre on 21 959 6767.
Application Related Queries
Late Applications
Programmes with available spaces will be identified and the information published on the CPUT website via
https://www.cput.ac.za/study/late-applications. Please pay special attention to the allocated campus and offering type i.e. full-time or part-time studies. Please like the CPUT Facebook page for continuous updates.
Application Related Queries
International Applications
I am an international applicant and sent my application via post to CPUT. I have not heard anything from the institution about the outcome of my application. What do I do?
Manual applications will not be processed. Application must be made via the online portal and all certified documents (certification not older than three months) must be uploaded via the same portal. Applicants must forward their queries via email to the respective staff member dealing with international applications at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries. Please include the following relevant information in the communication: your full name(s), surname, passport number and qualification(s) applied for.
I have applied to the institution but require a letter to obtain a study visa. What do I do?
Only applicants that have been Fully Accepted or Provisionally Accepted may submit such a request, steps below:
- Visit the CPUT website and select the option Track your Application Status via the following link: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track;
- Enter your student number or ID/Passport number and one of your first names;
- Select the link Request for Study Permit Letter;
- A page will open requesting you to capture your student number/passport number, full name, email address and qualification you are applying for;
- Select the Send your Request button and your request will be routed to the respective staff members;
- A response will be communicated within approximately 7 days to the email address that was provided.
Application Related Queries
Transferring Students
I am a transfer student and would like to continue my studies at CPUT. What do I do?
Transfer students apply during the same application timeframe as all other applicants and as per the application procedure outlined via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply. Transfer students must upload certified copies (certification not older than three months) of their final Grade 12 results, Identity Document, Statement of Results/Academic Record and a Letter of Good Conduct from the previous institution, addressed to the respective faculty.
I am a transfer student but can only select Study Period 1 and not Study Period 2 or 3 when applying to CPUT?
Transfer students apply as first-year students and if accepted for the respective programme, register as first-year students. The application for exemptions/recognitions must be made immediately after registration and first-year classes must be attended until the conclusion of the exemptions/recognitions process. Registration to higher level subjects will only be allowed on the approval of the exemptions/recognitions application; this process is outlined in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via
Application Related Queries
Programme Related Information
What is the NQF level of a Diploma?
A Diploma is on an NQF Level 6
Is an Advanced Diploma equivalent to a degree?
An Advanced Diploma is a Diploma on an NQF Level 7
My highest qualification is my Final Grade 12 results. Can I apply towards an Advanced Diploma?
No. You are not eligible to apply for an Advanced Diploma.
What are the minimum entrance requirements for an Advanced Diploma?
A 360 credit Diploma or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6. Please note that each programme may have additional course specific minimum entrance requirements.
Can I apply for an Advanced Diploma with my N-Level Diploma obtained from a TVET College?
A 360 credit Diploma or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 6 is required. Please note that each programme may have additional course specific minimum entrance requirements.
Where can I find the CPUT admission requirements for first time undergraduate studies? What is the minimum School Leaving Certificate requirements for undergraduate, first year applicants? How do I know that I meet the CPUT admission requirements? For which programmes can I apply with my NC/NCV results?
Please refer to the online CPUT Undergraduate prospectus available on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply.
Where can I find the CPUT admission requirements for Advanced Diploma programmes?
Advanced Diploma admission requirements are displayed under the specific Faculty CPUT website prospectus available via https://www.cput.ac.za/academic. Select the respective Faculty and the relevant Diploma/Degree.
Where can I find the CPUT admission requirements for Postgraduate programmes?
The admission requirements for Postgraduate studies are available via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/postgraduate-applications.
Application Related Queries
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)?
RPL provides an opportunity for you to identify your learning, have it assessed and formally acknowledged. The process involves the identification, mediation, assessment and acknowledgement of knowledge and skills obtained through informal and non-formal learning.
Where can I obtain information regarding RPL? Can I still apply for RPL? Can I apply online for RPL? Which documents are required for RPL applications?
Detailed information regarding RPL and the RPL application process is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/rpl.
Where can I view the Online Application Guide for RPL Applicants?
Please visit the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply/step-4-online-application or contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 should you require further information in this regard.
Registration Related Queries
I have just received my 2024 NSC results, when can I register? I am a first-time/first-year intake prospective student, when can I register?
Please note the information related to the Academic Registration Timelines indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration. Only applicants with an Accepted status will be able to register.
Who do I contact if I require telephonic guidance whilst completing my online registration?
Students who require assistance can contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 as the capacity for online registration assistance is increased during the registration period. Alternatively, please visit https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries for detailed contact information.
I am a returning student and have an academic exclusion block with a description “EXCLUDING STUDENT – QUALIFICATION/FACULTY LEVEL – Stop Registration. What is the process to follow if I have been excluded?
Please note the information related to Academic Exclusions indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
Registration Related Queries
Fees Pre-Registration (New and Returning Students)
I do not have the R3500 upfront tuition fee and/or R1500 for residence accommodation. Will I still be allowed to register?
National students who are unable to pay the upfront tuition fee payment of R3500 and/or R1500 for residence accommodation will be allowed to register on condition that they have fully paid the outstanding balance or made financial arrangements to periodically pay the outstanding balance. Students who can pay the upfront payment(s) are encouraged to do so as it will contribute towards the fees for the year. Please refer to the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via
https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more detailed information.
I have a financial block (FREG) and I am unable to register. What steps should I follow to have the block removed so that I can proceed with my registration?
Financial clearance is an online process and you therefore do not need to visit the campus. Students with financial blocks will receive a link via e-mail detailing the process to follow. Please refer to the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
How will CPUT accommodate payment arrangements if I cannot pay my outstanding balance in the new year?
Arrangements will be made to pay via debit order deductions. Please have the following certified documents (certification not older than three months) available as these documents must be uploaded along with the online debit order form: (1) three months latest bank statements (2) copy of student’s ID (3) copy of account holder’s ID (person who will be paying the fees to CPUT).
When I call the financial clearance helpdesk, I am unable to get through. What are the correct contact details?
- Bellville Campus – finquery2@cput.ac.zaor 021 959 4343
- District Six Campus – finquery1@cput.ac.zaor 021 460 3396
I am experiencing a problem with submitting the Acknowledge of Debt form. The system is not allowing me to proceed after finishing all the steps. Who can I contact to resolve this problem?
- Bellville Campus – finquery2@cput.ac.zaor 021 959 4343
- District Six Campus – finquery1@cput.ac.za or 021 460 3396
I have captured all the information on the Acknowledge of Debt form and received an email with a PDF attachment confirming my details. Who do I send it to after confirming that the information is correct?
You are required to upload the information by clicking on the link https://opa.cput.ac.za/index.php/aod-uploads?id=2&stdno=123456789 as indicated by the system.
I completed the Acknowledge of Debt form, submitted it, and received feedback via email confirming that I have been financially unblocked (cleared). However, when I try to register it still reflects that I have a financial block, what must I do?
It is important to read the error message carefully as it will indicate the reason that you are unable to register. The financial block relates to fees, the academic block means that your faculty has excluded you from the qualification and lastly, you require a WEBR indicator inserted allocating the timeframes within which you can register. Please note the information related to International Blocks, Academic Blocks and WEBR indicators indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
I fall in the category of receiving an Acknowledge of Debt form but I have not received an email from the Student Finance Office. What must I do?
Please contact:
- Bellville Campus – finquery2@cput.ac.zaor 021 959 4343
- District Six Campus – finquery1@cput.ac.za or 021 460 3396
My account has been handed over to the Debt Collectors, how can I register?
Students with outstanding debt who have not registered for the 2024 academic year and failed to contact the Student Accounts department are handed over to external debt collectors. Students who have been handed over to debt collectors may make payment arrangements by contacting Ms Anthea Nel at nela@cput.ac.za and/or Ms Thato Khumalo at khumalot@cput.ac.za.
A bursary is responsible for paying my registration and tuition fees. Will I be able to register or what is the process I need to follow?
You will be required to submit a letter from the bursary on an official letterhead as written confirmation that the account will be settled. Please ensure that the letter is addressed to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and that your information and the dates included are accurate; this must be done well in advance of your allocated registration date to avoid unnecessary delays. Please refer to the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration should you require more detailed information.
Please forward the letter to the following staff members and follow-up accordingly whether the letter was received:
- Ms Nozuko Bandla - Siyolon@cput.ac.za
- Ms Nomakula Gama - Gaman@cput.ac.za
- Mr Lindile Mata - matal@cput.ac.za
- Ms Namhla Cakata- cakatan@cput.ac.za
- Mr Mphumzi Rululu - rululum@cput.ac.za
- Mr Curtis Pietersen: Pietersencj@cput.ac.za
Will I have a financial block if I am funded by NSFAS?
NSFAS students who qualify for funding and has received all allowances will not have a financial block and can thus register online. Please contact the following staff members should you have any queries; please note that queries must be addressed with the relevant staff member based on your surname.
- Surnames A to MD contact Ms Nina Soyekwa - soyekwan@cput.ac.za
- Surnames ME to Z contact Mr Cyrano Arries - arriesc@cput.ac.za
- Surnames A to L contact Mr Eric Feleza - felezae@cput.ac.za
- Surnames M contact Ms Patricia Faila - failap@cput.ac.za
- Surnames N contact Ms Nozuko Bandla - siyolon@cput.ac.za
- Surnames O to Z contact Ms Acia Peters - petersac@cput.ac.za
- All Students to contact Nina Soyekwa at Soyekwan@cput.ac.za
- All Students to contact Mr Alex Bannister - bannistera@cput.ac.za
Will I be able to register if I am funded by NSFAS Pre-funders (Disability, DMV, REAP, NSF General, TRC, DAFF and FPM)?
All students linked to 2024 NSFAS Pre-funders and who has received all allowances will not have a financial block and can thus register online.
Will I be able to register if I was funded by a Bursary for 2024 but my fees are still outstanding?
Yes, you will be allowed to register however, please contact your bursary officer and they will check if your Donor/Sponsor has paid the outstanding fees, staff details below:
- Mr Curtis Pietersen - PietersenCj@cput.ac.za
- Ms Namhla Mdledle - CakataN@cput.ac.za
- Mr Lindile Mata - MataL@cput.ac.za
- Ms Andisiwe Mrali - MraliA@cput.ac.za:
Please contact the bursary officer below if you are linked to SETA funding and the bursary officer will verify the status of your funding with the Advancement Office:
- Ms Nozuko Bandla at Siyolon@cput.ac.za
Registration Related Queries
Online Registration
What is the manual registration process for programmes that are unable to register online? I cannot register online. How to I request a manual registration? How to I register off-campus for programmes that cannot register online
Please note the information related to Off-campus Manual Academic Registration Process indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
I am a returning student, and my e-mail address has changed. How do I obtain my Student Number and SOS Pin?
Student Number: Access the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/forgotten-student-number and enter the requested information. SOS Pin: Access the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/sos and enter the requested information.
I get the error message "Error Creating Pin (No E-mail Address Available)"
Your pin will be sent to you via SMS. You will not receive an email if no e-mail address exists on your biographical record and only once you have registered, will a myCPUT email account be created for you.
I get the error message "Pin Requested Successfully (Error creating SMS). Your pin will be sent to your E-mail address. SMS error: Cell Number could not be derived"
The pin will be sent to your e-mail address. You will not receive an SMS if no cell phone number exists on your biographical record. Check your myCPUT email for your pin. Note: Only students who were registered since 2012 will have a myCPUT email account. Contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 for assistance if you still cannot log into your email account.
I get the message "Illegal Login"
You are using the incorrect pin. Action required by Student: Step 1: Verify the pin you have received by email/sms and enter the correct pin Step 2: If this does not work, click on the Request a Pin button. Only Students who were registered since 2012 will have a myCPUT email account. If you are registering at CPUT for the first time, then check your personal email address that you entered when you applied online. Contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 for assistance if you still cannot log into your email account.
I get the message "Pin requested successfully", when I have selected “Request a Pin/Forgot a Pin”, but I'm not receiving the Pin?
Check your myCPUT email for pin. Your pin will only be forwarded to your myCPUT email. If you are registering at CPUT for the first time, then check your personal email address. Note: Only students who were registered since 2012 will have a myCPUT email account. Contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 for assistance if you still cannot log into your email account.
I get the message "Maximum Unsuccessful Login Attempts Reached"
You have exceeded the maximum number of three (3) login attempts, and your account has been locked. Please contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 to reset your login.
I have successfully requested the pin but have not received the pin?
If you have selected “Request a Pin/Forgot a Pin” but not receiving the pin, then login to your myCPUT email to get it. If you have problems accessing your myCPUT account, then contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 for assistance.
I want to change my existing PIN
Enter your student number and existing pin. Select “Change Pin”. Enter a new pin by following the rules below for creating a pin:
- Pin length must ONLY comprise of 5 numbers (e.g. 24683) and must not start or end in a zero
- Must not contain any alphabetical characters (e.g. Aa369)
- No spaces allowed in the pin (e.g. 36 302)
- No adjacent repeating numbers (e.g. 11234) or simple sequences (e.g. 23456)
If you have problems accessing your myCPUT account, then contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 for assistance.
Note: your PIN will only be forwarded to your myCPUT email account (if you are a returning student), or the email account that you filled in on your application form (if you have never studied at CPUT before, or not been registered since 2012). Your myCPUT email account will be created once you have registered.
I get the message "The institution has not permitted the use of this option to you yet. Please contact us with any queries"
Registration time frames may vary. Please note the information related to Academic Registration Time Frames indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
What are the reasons for not being able to register within the timelines?
Applicants cannot register online due to the following varied reasons:
- Your faculty has not given you permission i.e. no WEBR inserted or the WEBR dates allocated have expired;
- You are trying to register for a qualification and offering type (e.g. full-time/part-time) outside the allocated registration period. Please note the information related to Academic Registration Time Frames indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.The qualification code and offering type has not been selected for online registration.
- Kindly contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty for assistance and if the matter cannot be resolved telephonically or via email then report to the Registration Point on campus. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet on the CPUT website available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
I get the message: "No admitted application(s) are currently available for selection by you. Please contact the institution with any queries".
Kindly note that your application does not have an accepted status. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet on the CPUT website available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
When selecting the “Submit Registration” button I get the message "Access to this option has been denied until all Academic Registration Rules and Regulations have been accepted"
You need to complete all previous requirements before running this option. Please select “Academic Rules and Regulations” first, read the information and then select the “Accept” button at the bottom of the screen; only then may you proceed to the next step i.e. “Submit Registration”.
I have selected the “Submit Registration” process but the incorrect Qualification Code and/or Offering Type and/or Block Code and/or Period of Study is displayed. How do I change this information?
Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 or contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty for assistance. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet on the CPUT website available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
I get the message: "Registration at the institution is currently closed. Please contact us with any queries".
Registration timeframes may vary. Please note the information related to the Academic Registration Timelines indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
I get the message: “Qualification Code – Qualification Name” Qualification Offering Type Combination invalid".
The qualification you are admitted for is not active. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 or contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty for assistance. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet on the CPUT website available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
I get the message: “Qualification code – Qualification Name” Student currently prevented from registration. This combination of “Qualification Code – Qualification Name/Offering Type/Block Code” is no longer available for registration via the iEnabler”.
The qualification has been inactivated for online registrations purposes. Please contact the Call Centre on 021 959 6767 or contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty for assistance. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet on the CPUT website available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
How do I print a Proof of Registration for my own use during the online registration process?
Follow the 8-step-by-step guide for online academic registrations as outlined in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
Registration Related Queries
International Registrations
My study visa or refugee permit has expired. Can I register with this?
- You need to have a valid study visa or refugee permit for registration. No concession has been granted by the Department of Home Affairs regarding expired study visa or refugee permits. Therefore, CPUT will not accept it for registration until the Department of Home Affairs have advised otherwise. Refugee users can renew their refugee permits online. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I have applied for a study visa, but it is currently pending. May I register?
You may register with your passport and your VFS receipt issued to you upon application for your study visa only when permission is granted by the Department of Home Affairs. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via
https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I have a study visa issued for another institution and not CPUT. Can I register at CPUT using this document?
No, you will regrettably not be allowed to register as you require a study visa applicable for studies specifically at CPUT. Please apply for a change of condition to the South African Department of Home Affairs by using your CPUT acceptance letter. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
My existing CPUT study visa has expired. What is the renewal process and who do I contact?
It is your responsibility to ensure that you renew your study permit timeously; at least 60 days prior to the expiry date.
The procedure for requesting the renewal of your study permit is as follows:
(1) Download the Renewal of Study Visa form via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/internationalapplicants/permits;
(2) Complete the first section of the form with your student-related credentials;
(3) Submit the completed form to the Faculty Officer of your respective faculty (based in the Faculty Office-detailed contact information available via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries) who will complete and sign the second section of the form;
(4) Include certified copies (certification not older than 3 months) of your passport, expired study visa issued to you by the Department of Home Affairs and the duly signed Study Visa Renewal form by yourself and the Faculty Officer;
(5) Submit all the above documentation via email to the applicable staff member below:
Bellville and Wellington programmes: Ms T Malaza, malazat@cput.ac.za
District Six, Granger Bay and Mowbray programmes: Ms P Gwayana, gwayanap@cput.ac.za
I do not have a study visa yet, only a VFS receipt. May I register with the VFS receipt?
No. You cannot register with a VFS receipt unless the Department of Home Affairs instructs universities to do so.
I have a ZEP may I register?
No. You cannot register with a ZEP.
Can I register with a Visitor’s Visa?
You may register only if the visitor’s visa states that you may study whilst visiting in South Africa. The visitor’s visa must also be valid.
My refugee permit expired in 2024, may I register for the 2025 academic year?
No. You cannot register with an expired refugee permit. You may apply for the permit via the refugee offices.
Can I register with a Birth Certificate or a letter indicating that I was born in South Africa, but I am not in possession of a South African ID?
No, you will regrettably not be allowed to register with a birth certificate or a letter indicating that you were born in South Africa. You need to be in a possession of a South African ID. If not, then you require a study visa to register.
I have a legal document issued by the South African Court. Can I proceed with registration?
No, you will regrettably not be able to register with a court document; you require a study visa to register.
Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I need to obtain international clearance, what are the steps to follow? Where do I download the International Registration Checklist document from the website?
Download the International Registration Checklist document from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration. Follow the step-by-step procedure as indicated in the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
What documentation is required as an international student before I can proceed with registration?
The following certified copies of the original documents with the stamped certification date (certification not older than 3 months) must be submitted:
- Your acceptance letter available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/track;
- All school leaving results/academic records/Usaf/SAQA Certificate (Usaf applicable to 1st time entering Bachelor students, and SAQA for Higher certificates, Diploma, and next level of studying programmes i.e. Advanced Diploma/Postgraduate Diploma/ Masters and Doctorate studies only and not returning students);
- All deposit slips/proof of payment including the deposit slip of the R 1 500 Admin Levy applicable to all first time registering international students at CPUT.
- International Registration Checklist available for download from the CPUT website link via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration;
(5) Your passport.
(6) Refugee- or study permit made out for the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
(7) Proof of a comprehensive South African Medical Aid cover (valid for 12 months until 31 December of the year of registration); Medical Aid from other countries are not accepted.
Will I be able to register without international clearance?
No, International clearance is compulsory for all international students, including permanent residency students and is not required for South African citizens.
I have reported for international clearance but require financial clearance before I can proceed with registration. What do I do? What is the process?
The financial clearance process is outlined in the 2025 Registration Booklet downloadable from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration. Please refer to the following sections in the registration booklet: (1) Financial Matters and Clearance and (2) International Matters and Clearance under the subsection called Money Matters.
Who must get International Registration clearance?
Refer to International Matters and Clearance in the 2025 Registration Booklet, downloadable from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration. International registration clearance is compulsory for the following students: (1) Refugee permit holders (2) Asylum Seeker permit holders (3) Non-SA citizen passport holders with a study visa/work permit (4) Permanent Residency students. This clearance is not required only for South African citizens.
I am currently doing my in-service training in my home country. What documentation is required prior to registration?
Steps to follow:
(1) Contact your in-service training co-ordinator requesting an emailed letter from the department/faculty confirming that you are currently busy with in-service training in your country and thus not in South Africa;
(2) Download the International Registration Checklist document via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration and complete the form;
(3) Include a certified copy (certification must not be older than 3 months) of your passport;
(4) Submit all the above documentation for the international clearance process to be conducted to the respective Application and Registration Centre (ARC) staff member dealing with international student related queries; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
(5) Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I am currently doing my Master’s or Doctoral studies from my home country. What documentation is required prior to registration?
Steps to follow:
(1) Contact your Head of Department or Supervisor requesting an emailed letter confirming that you are currently busy with your Master’s or Doctoral studies outside South Africa;
(2) Download the International Registration Checklist document via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration and complete the form;
(3) Include a certified copy (certification must not be older than 3 months) of your passport;
(4) Submit all the above documentation for the international clearance process to be conducted to the respective Application and Registration Centre (ARC) staff member dealing with international student related queries; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
(5) Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration or access https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I have South African Medical Aid cover, which will only be active as of February or March. Could you remove the block (international clearance) for me so that I can register in January?
The international clearance block will only be removed to allow you to register in the month that your medical aid will commence. Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet for contact details or access the link https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries should you require more information or assistance.
I have a South African Medical Aid cover and study visa valid only for 6 months as I will be completing my studies within 6 months. Is this acceptable?
Yes, it is acceptable on condition that you have obtained a letter from the respective department within your faculty confirming the qualification you are registered for and that you will be completing said qualification within a 6-month period. Please follow these steps:
- Contact your lecturer requesting an emailed letter from the department/faculty confirming the completion of your studies within the 6-month period; the letter must be signed and date stamped by the lecturer or Head of Department.
- The issued letter must be emailed to the applicable staff member below:
Bellville and Wellington programmes: Ms Thandi Malaza - MalazaT@cput.ac.za
District Six, Granger Bay and Mowbray programmes: Ms Pamela Gwayana- gwayanap@cput.ac.za
Is a South African Medical Aid required for students registering for part-time studies?
All students who register with a passport, study visa, critical skills permit, require a South African Medical Aid cover Critical skills permit is applicable to only part-time students.
I need an official Proof of Registration for Medical Aid purposes. How do I obtain this?
Log into the SOS system, go to "Student Enquiry" then click on "Proof of Registration - PDF"; save the document and e-mail it to the respective Application and Registration Centre (ARC) staff member requesting an official Proof of Registration; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
Post Registration Related Queries
Who do I contact at the institution if I require clarity on an issue?
Please consult the departmental secretary or the respective lecturer within the department or alternatively, please contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty. Please familiarise yourself with the details of the programme administrator(s) that administers the programme you are registered for.
Where can I obtain information regarding class timetables?
Lecture timetables and more detailed information related to start dates, times and venues will be available by the respective academic departments during orientation.
I have registered, how can I obtain a student card?
Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information.
What is the process if I am no longer interested in doing the programme?
Please inform the department of your decision and cancel the qualification on the online SOS system via http://www.cput.ac.za/SOS. Please contact the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty to ensure that the cancellation was captured or for guidance on the steps. It is important to officially cancel the programme as it may lead to financial implications if this is not done. Please be mindful of the cut-off dates for the cancellation of the qualification.
How do I change my name and/or surname if incorrectly captured or if it has changed?
Submit your request for biographical changes, together with a certified copy of your identity document/identity card/passport (certification not older than three months) to the respective staff member at the Application and Registration Centre (ARC); detailed contact information outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
Who do I contact to change my address or cell phone number?
Please note that you can update this information on the SOS system via http://www.cput.ac.za/SOS. It is important to note that it remains your responsibility to ensure that the latest contact details are captured, especially the most recent cell phone number as CPUT will not be held liable if you do not receive communication.
How do I access my myCPUT email account?
New students will receive a "myCPUT" email account once they have registered. Students who were registered since 2012 will have a myCPUT email account, which will never expire. If you still cannot log into your email account, then contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 or 021 959 6767 for assistance.
How do I print a Proof of Registration for my own use after the online registration has been concluded?
In the SOS system, go to "Student Enquiry" then click "Proof of Registration - PDF"; you can either print or save the document to your computer.
How do I obtain an official Proof of Registration stamped and signed by CPUT since the one via SOS is not official?
Log into the SOS system, go to "Student Enquiry" then click on "Proof of Registration - PDF"; save the document and e-mail it to the respective Applications and Registration Centre (ARC) staff member requesting an official Proof of Registration; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries.
Post Registration Related Queries
First-Year Welcome and Orientation
When is the Welcoming for First Year Students?
Refer to the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration.
When is Orientation for First Year Students?
Refer to the orientation-related information available via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/orientation.
Post Registration Related Queries
Exemptions and Recognitions
How do I obtain credits (exemptions/recognitions) for subjects already passed?
Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information. Please be mindful of the cut-off dates for the application for exemptions and recognitions.
Post Registration Related Queries
Additions/Amendments/Cancellation of Subjects/Qualifications
How do I add a subject(s) after I have submitted my registrations? How do I cancel a subject(s) after I have submitted by registrations? How do I cancel (de-register) my full studies (enrolment)?
Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via
https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information or contact the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries. Please be mindful of the cut-off dates in this regard.
How do I re-register after I have cancelled my registration (enrolment)? How do I re-register (add) a subject(s) that has been cancelled?
Please consult the 2025 Registration Booklet available for download from the CPUT website via
https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/registration for more information or contact the respective faculty office staff member; detailed contact information is outlined on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries. Please be mindful of the cut-off dates in this regard.
What is the cut-off date for deregistration or any amendments?
Please consult 2025 Academic Rules and Regulations guide published on the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply.
Post Registration Related Queries
Fees Post Registration
How will I know what my fees are for the 2025 year for the programme that I have registered for?
The registration fee and the tuition fees per subject is indicated on your Proof of Registration available via the SOS portal.
How am I expected to pay my fees for the year?
Regular payments deposited into the banking account below or paid at the cashiers on either the Bellville or District Six Campus. Please ensure that fees are paid in full by at least November to ensure that your results are available to you at the end of the year. Bank: ABSA - Account Holder: CPUT - Account Number: 405 354 84 87 - Branch code: 632005 – Reference: Your Student Number.
How do I check my outstanding balance if I have made payments towards my fees?
Login to SOS and click on (1) Student Enquiry (2) Summarised Statement of Account and (3) your balance will be displayed.
What is the process for staff with regards to family rebates?
Please refer to the CPUT website for details and to download via https://www.cput.ac.za/study/fees the Staff Rebate Application Form. The application for rebates must be done annually during the registration period.
Post Registration Related Queries
I have been informed by the university that I have been accepted for residence. What must I do?
Students are required to complete the Online Residence Registration via SOS. Please visit the CPUT website via
https://www.cput.ac.za/students/life/online-residence-registration for guidance in this regard.
I have not applied for residence; can I still apply?
Application for residence for the 2024 academic year has closed and will not be opened for late application. Please note that it is your responsibility to finalise your accommodation before reporting to the institution in the new year.
Does CPUT have a list of private accommodation available to prospective students?
The list is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/life/accommodation/ochap/properties. CPUT has an off-campus Housing Accreditation Program that assists to manage the demand of student accommodation when owned, leased and university controlled accredited residences are full. This makes it safer and easier for students to comfortably enter into agreements with service providers knowing that the university has vetted and checked the quality of services at each property. The second option would be non-accredited private boarding where students source their own accommodation and if funded, must inform the Financial Aid/Bursaries office accordingly. In both cases, the university becomes the bursar, and it is the funded student’s responsibility to ensure that all information is recorded by the relevant office. Self-funded students may also make use of non-university-controlled accommodation. More information is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/life/accommodation.
How much does it cost to stay in residence?
Residence fees differ from residence to residence and the cost is determined by the University Council. Information related to residence fees are available via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/life/accommodation/residences/fees.
When are students allowed to move into their respective residence in 2025?
All students that have been accepted and registered for residence accommodation for the 2024 academic year are required to report 48 hours prior to the commencement of their first class.
What documents do I need before moving into residence?
Students will need to provide two Proof of Registration’s to their respective residence coordinator; one for the programme that they are registered for in the 2025 academic year and the other for the residence accommodation they have registered for in the 2025 academic year.
What rules apply when living in residence?
The Residence Rules and Regulation booklet is available for download from the CPUT website via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/life/accommodation/residences/application; please read through the information to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations.
Post Registration Related Queries
Assessment and Graduation – Assessment Results
When will the final assessment results be published and where can I access my results?
Timelines for the publication of final results will be indicated on the CPUT website and you will be able to access your results during this period via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/results.
I have received my final assessment results, but I have a query related to the results; who do I contact?
Please contact the respective lecturer in this regard.
I would like to request for a remark or viewing of my final assessment script(s). What is the procedure?
Please complete the Application for Remark of Examination Scripts available via https://www.cput.ac.za/services/agc and email to agcinfo@cput.ac.za or to one of the Assessment and Graduation Centre (AGC) staff members below based at the campus where your programme is offered. Please be mindful of the general conditions highlighted in the form.
- Bellville Campus: Ms Firdous Edwards - edwardsf@cput.ac.za
- Bellville Campus: Mr Dee Toerien - toeriend@cput.ac.za
- District Six Campus: Ms Tiffany Barnes - barnest@cput.ac.za
- District Six Campus: Mr Odwa Xoxani - xoxanio@cput.ac.za
- Mowbray Campus: Mr Allan Solomons - solomonsa@cput.ac.za
- Wellington Campus: Ms Helena Jacobs - jacobsh@cput.ac.za
I need an official copy of my academic record/transcript. Where can I get this information?
Please complete the Request for Academic Record form to receive a outline of all your subjects and final marks; the form is available via https://www.cput.ac.za/services/agc. The completed document, along with Proof of Payment of R55 must be emailed to agcinfo@cput.ac.za; the document will be forwarded to you via email within 72 hours i.e. three working days. The R55 payment may be paid at the cashiers at either the Bellville or District Six Campus alternatively, please pay directly into the CPUT account, details below:
For payments in South Africa: Account name: Cape Peninsula University of Technology Bank Name: ABSA Bank Account number: 405 354 8518 Branch: Public Sector Cape Town Branch code: 632005 Reference: ID number or Student number |
For payments outside South Africa: Account name: Cape Peninsula University of Technology Bank: ABSA Bank Account number: 012 0266 0521 Branch: Bellville Branch code: 632005 Swift code (payment outside SA): ABSA ZA JJ Reference: Passport number or Student number |
I have not received my transcript and it has been three days already; who can I contact?
- Bellville Campus: Ms Maggi Baumann - baumannm@cput.ac.za
- District Six Campus: Ms Cecelia Farao - faraoc@cput.ac.za
- Mowbray Campus: Mr Allan Solomons - solomonsa@cput.ac.za
- Wellington Campus: Ms Helena Jacobs - jacobsh@cput.ac.za
I need a Certificate of Good Conduct. Where can I get this information?
Please forward your request to (Ms Maggi Baumann - baumannm@cput.ac.za)
Post Registration Related Queries
Assessment and Graduation – Graduation
I have completed all the subjects in my qualification, how will I know if I am eligible to graduate?
It is advisable that students confirm with their department and/or the respective programme administrator in the faculty office that they have been included on the graduation list once the final marks have been published; this is especially important for those who have repeated a subject(s).
When does graduation take place?
Graduation timelines will be published on the CPUT website and via Newsflash; graduates will also receive a SMS in this regard. It is your responsibility to ensure that your most recent cell phone number reflects on the system by checking on the SOS portal via https://www.cput.ac.za/students/about/sos. CPUT will not be held liable if you have not received the relevant communication and subsequently missed the graduation ceremony.
The graduation ceremony is a few months away and I need a letter in the meantime to confirm that I have completed my qualification and will be eligible to graduate. Where can I obtain such a letter?
Please consult the respective programme administrator in the faculty office of your faculty.