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Staff IP Mowbray




Dr Chiwimbiso Kwenda

Head of Department: Intermediate Phase (Mowbray)


Room: 1.14

Office Tel: 021 680 1572

E-mail: kwendac@cput.ac.za

Ms T Nozewu

Departmental Secretary: Intermediate Phase (Mowbray)

Room: 1.40

Office Tel: 021 680 1507

E-mail: nozewut@cput.ac.za

Ms La'Eeqah Sylvester

Teaching Practice Administrator: Intermediate Phase and Foundation Phase (Mowbray)

Room: 1.34

Office Tel: 021 680 1591

E-mail: sylvesterl@cput.ac.za

Mr Wycliff Mpofu

Lab Assistant: Intermediate Phase

Room: Lab 2nd floor

Office Tel: 021 680 1548

E-mail: mpofuw@cput.ac.za

Mr Byron Abrahams

Lecturer: Mathematics

Room: 0.20

Office Tel: 021 680 1586
e-mail: abrahamsby@cput.ac.za

Ms Zaboenisha Ahmed

Lecturer: Physical Science

Room: 0.22

Office Tel: 021 680 1520

E-mail: ahmedz@cput.ac.za

Ms Megan Alexander

Lecturer: English

Room: 1.25

Office Tel: 021959 6725

Email: alexandermf@cput.ac.za

Mr Earl-Ray Basson

Lecturer: Afrikaans

Room: 0.29

Office Tel: 021 680 1556

E-mail: bassonea@cput.ac.za

Mr Clive Brown

Lecturer and Teaching Practice Coordinator: Intermediate Phase

Room: 0.30

Office Tel: 021 680 1690

E-mail: browncl@cput.ac.za

Ms Siphesihle Motake

Lecturer: Arts

Room: Art Building

Office Tel: 021 680 1540

E-mail: motakes@cput.ac.za

Mr Barry Firth

Lecturer: History

Room: 1.29

Office Tel: 021 680 1522

E-mail: firthb@cput.ac.za

Mr George Joubert

Lecturer: Human Movement

Room: Gym

Office Tel: N/A

E-mail: joubertge@cput.ac.za

Dr Chi Kwenda

Senior Lecturer: Education

Room: 1.14

Office Tel: 021 680 1572

E-mail: kwendac@cput.ac.za

Ms Genevieve Lentz

Lecturer: English

Room: 0.21

Office Tel: 021 680 1588

E-mail: lentzg@cput.ac.za

Mr Sindile Mahambehlala

Lecturer: Life Science and Biology

Room: 1.28

Office Tel: N/A
E-mail: mahambehlalas@cput.ac.za

Dr Sharon McAuliffe

Senior Lecturer: Mathematics

Room: 0.27

Office Tel: 021 680 1528

E-mail: mcauliffes@cput.ac.za

Ms Nomthandazo Buthelezi

Lecturer: Education

Room: 1.21

Office Tel: 021 680 1567

E-mail: buthelezino@cput.ac.za

Ms Chitra Solanki

Lecturer: English

Room: 1.23

Office Tel: 021 680 5800

E-mail: solankiC@cput.ac.za

Ms Nonzolo Titi

Lecturer: IsiXhosa

Room: 1.33

Office Tel: 021 680 1525

E-mail: titin@cput.ac.za

Ms Alettie Van Den Heever

Lecturer: Afrikaans

Room: 0.28

Office Tel: 021 680 1516

E-mail: vandenheeveral@cput.ac.za

Ms Sibongile Xamlashe

Lecturer: IsiXhosa

Room: 0.31

Office Tel: 021 680 1519

E-mail: xamlashes@cput.ac.za