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Prof Snyman

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ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6933-0866

My journey began with an undergraduate degree in Nature Conservation, after which I completed my Honours, MSc and PhD degrees in Zoology. For my Master’s and Doctoral research, I focused on the exciting field of Ecotoxicology, which is the study of environmental pollutants and their effects at different levels of biological organisation. For my PhD, I investigated the use of snails as sentinels of copper oxychloride contamination in vineyards, using biomarkers (in this case cell structure and function) as tools. My research has diversified greatly since my PhD, mainly due to the fact that almost no knowledge exists about pollutants in the Western Cape and their effects on our local fauna and flora. Such knowledge is vital for the conservation and management of our local biodiversity. Consequently, my research interests have now grown and expanded to include soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems, a variety of inorganic and organic pollutants, the use of both animals and plants as biomonitors, and a range of cellular, physiological and biochemical biomarkers. Finally, I remain a conservationist and zoologist at heart and therefore the sustainable management of our local faunal biodiversity remains a passion and research interest of mine, particularly in the context of the needs of local communities.

Selected publications

Awe, A.A., Opeolu, B.O., Olatunji, O.S., Fatoki, O.S., Jackson, V.A., Snyman, R.G. (2020c) Occurrence and probabilistic risk assessment of PAHs in water and sediment samples of the Diep River, South Africa. Heliyon 6(6):e04306.

AWE, A.A., OPEOLU, B.O., FATOKI, O.S., AYANDA, O.S., JACKSON, V, SNYMAN, R.G. (2020b) Preparation and characterisation of activated carbon from Vitis vinifera leaf litter and its adsorption performance for aqueous phenanthrene. Applied Biological Chemistry 63:12-29

AWE, A.A., OPEOLU, B.O., OLATUNJI, O.S., FATOKI, O.S., JACKSON, V.A., SNYMAN, R.G. (2020a) Occurrence of PAHs in water samples of the Diep River, South Africa. Water SA 46(1): 80–93

SPARKS, C., MARNEWICK, J. TOEFY, R., SNYMAN, R., ODENDAAL, J. (2019) Baseline levels of antioxidant activities in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the coast of Cape Town, South Africa. Marine Pollution Bulletin 140: 287–293

KRUGER, A.L., SNYMAN, R.G., ODENDAAL, J.P. (2019) The impact of urban pollution on metal contamination of selected forest pockets in Cape Town, South Africa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26:12537–12549

ARNOLDS, J.L., SNYMAN, R.G., ODENDAAL, J.P. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Al, Cu and Zn in coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum L.) after experimental exposure to a metal cocktail “pollution event”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 27: 928-937

SPARKS, C., MARNEWICK, J., ODENDAAL, J., SNYMAN, R. (2018) Antioxidant responses in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to copper. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 27: 488-502

SPARKS, C., ODENDAAL, J., SNYMAN, R. (2017) Metal concentrations in intertidal water and surface sediment along the west coast of the Cape Peninsula, Cape Town, South Africa. WaterSA 43: 17-24

MUZEZA, D., SCHUTTE, D., SNYMAN, R. (2016) Transfrontier Conservation Governance, Communal People’s Rights and Value Discourses: Whose Resources and Who Governs? International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 5: 265-292

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S, ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J., SNYMAN, R.G. (2016) Spatio-temporal variation of organotin compounds in seawater and sediments from Cape Town harbour, South Africa using gas chromatography with flame photometric detector (GC-FPD). Arabian Journal of Chemistry 9: 95–104

OKORO, H.K., XIMBA, B.J., TAMBA, O., FATOKI, O.S, ADEKOLA, F.A., SNYMAN, R.G., YAHYA, W.B. (2016) Distribution and Seasonal Variations of Selected Heavy Metals in Seawater from Cape Town Harbour of Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology 11: 82-97

OKORO, H.K., SNYMAN, R.G., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J., SLABBER, M. & (2015) Lysosomal membrane stability of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.), as a biomarker of Tributyltin exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 94: 609-613

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2014) Geochemical assessment of sediment in Cape Town harbour, South Africa. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. 28: 17-28

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2014) Fractionation, Mobility and Multivariate Statistical Evaluation of Metals in Marine Sediments of Cape Town Harbour, South Africa. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 26(3): 126-138

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2014) Organotin Compounds. In: Wexler, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition vol 3. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press. pp 720–725

SPARKS, C., ODENDAAL, J., SNYMAN, R.G. (2014). An analysis of historical Mussel Watch Programme data from the west coast of the Cape Peninsula, Cape Town. Marine Pollution Bulletin 87 (1–2): 374-380.

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2013) Physio-chemical characteristics and 1-year monitoring of heavy metal pollution and its seasonal variation in seawater of Cape Town harbour, South Africa. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 22(10); 2855-2866.

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2013) Spatio-temporal Variation of Organotin Compounds in Seawater and Sediments from Cape Town Harbour, South Africa using Gas Chromatography with Flame Photometric Detector (GC-FPD). Arabian Journal of Chemistry DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2013.05.014

MUZEZA, D., SCHUTTE, D. SNYMAN, R.G. (2013) Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Governance In Southern Africa: Understanding Contestations And Conflict Between Local Resource Access And Biodiversity Conservation. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 2: 187-227

FATOKI, O.S., OKORO, H.K., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2012) Bioaccumulation of Metals in black mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Cape Town Harbour, South Africa. The Environmentalist 32(1): 48-57

AYENI, O.O., NDAKIDEMI, P.A., SNYMAN, R.G. & ODENDAAL J.P. (2012) Assessment of Metal Concentrations, Chlorophyll Content and Photosynthesis in Phragmites australis along the Diep River, Cape Town, South Africa. Energy and Environment Research 2(1) 128-139.

STOFBERG, R.L., SIMON, C.A. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2011) Effects of heavy metals on the development and survival of Haliotis midae larvae. South African Journal of Marine Science 33 (2): 339–345.

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J., SNYMAN, R.G. & OPEOLU, B. (2011). Human Exposure, Biomarkers and Fate of Organotins in the Environment. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 23(2): 473- 482.

OKORO, H.K., FATOKI, O.S., ADEKOLA, F.A., XIMBA, B.J. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2011). Sources, Environmental levels and Toxicity of Organotins in the Marine Environment- A Review. Asian Journal of Chemistry 23 (2): 473 – 482

SNYMAN, R.G. & ODENDAAL, J.P. (2009) The Effect of Cadmium on Haemocyte Viability of the Woodlouse Porcellio laevis (Isopoda, Crustacea). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83: 525-529.

REINECKE, A.J.; REINECKE, S.A.; MABOETA, M.S.; ODENDAAL, J.P. & SNYMAN, R.G. (2007) Incorporating Biomarkers in Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemical Contaminants of Soils. South African Journal of Science and Technology 26(2): 120-137.

SNYMAN, r.g., REINECKE, A.J. & REINECKE, s.A. (2005) Quantitative Changes in the Digestive Gland Cells of the Snail, Helix aspersa, After Exposure to the Fungicide Copper Oxychloride. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 60:47-52.

REINECKE, A.J., SNYMAN, R.G. & NEL, J.A.J. (2003) Uptake and Distribution of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in the Freshwater Crab Potamonautes perlatus in the Eerste River, South Africa. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 145: 395-408.

Snyman, R.G., Reinecke, A.J. & Nel, J.A.J. (2002) Uptake and Distribution of Copper (Cu) in the Freshwater Crab, Potamonautes perlatus (Crustacea) in the Eerste River, South Africa. African Zoology 37: 81-89

Snyman, R.G.; Reinecke, S.A. & Reinecke, A.J. (2000) Haemocytic Lysosome Response in the Snail, Helix aspersa after Exposure to the Fungicide Copper Oxychloride. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39:480-485

Naudé A, Snyman RG, Marnewick JL and Odendaal JP (2022) The influence of seasons on metal bioaccumulation and oxidative stress in sentinel organisms in South African urban forests. Pollution Research 41: 1-17

Naudé A, Snyman RG, Marnewick JL and Odendaal JP (2022) Metal bioaccumulation and oxidative stress in millipedes experimentally exposed to a cocktail of aluminium, iron and manganese. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 31(5): 1-10

NAUDÉ, A.L., SNYMAN, R.G., ODENDAAL, J.P. (2021) Aluminium and Iron contamination of soil, leaf litter and bioindicators in selected South African forest pockets. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 232: 304 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-021-05246-5

RODEWALD, N., SNYMAN, R., SIMON, C. (2021) Worming its way in—Polydora websteri (Annelida: Spionidae) increases the number of non-indigenous shell-boring polydorin pests of cultured molluscs in South Africa. Zootaxa 4969(2):255-279

Postgraduate students supervised

Shuping. 2008. MTech Environmental Health. Biomonitoring of metal contamination in the Lower Diep River, Milnerton, Western Cape.

A-L. Kruger. 2008. MTech Environmental Health. Accumulation and toxicity of lead in soil along the road verges in the City of Cape Town.

Schumann. 2009. MTech Nature Conservation. The needs of emerging commercial farmers in Namibia in relation to human-carnivore conflict.

M. Nkoe. 2009. MTech Environmental Health. Assessment of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) contamination in the soils of pre-school facilities in the City of Cape Town.

Ayeni. 2011. MTech. Environmental Management. Physiological responses of Bolboschoenus maritimus to metal exposure in the Lower Diep River, Milnerton, Western Cape.

Melato. 2011. MTech. Environmental Health. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of metal contaminants in the Kuils River, Western Cape.

Newman. 2012. MTech. Nature Conservation. The impact of altered river structure on the function of selected urban Cape Town rivers.

Sparks. 2012. DTech. Environmental Health. Metal contamination off the west Coast of the Cape Peninsula and its effects on marine invertebrates.

Erasmus. 2012. MTech. Horticulture. Membrane damage and decreased chlorophyll production as biomarkers of metal exposure in the pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus, from the Lower Diep River, Milnerton, Western Cape.

Slabber. 2013. MTech. Oceanography. Accumulation and toxicity of metals in oysters (Striostrea margaritacea) from the South African East Coast.

Okoro. 2014. DTech. Chemistry. Speciation and toxicity of organotins in Cape Town Harbour.

Muzeza. 2014. DTech. Environmental Health. The impact of institutions of governance on communities’ livelihoods and sustainable conservation in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park.

Smith. 2016. MTech. Nature Conservation. Development of a habitat suitability model to determine the potential distribution of klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus subsp. oreotragus) in Table Mountain National Park.

Arnolds. 2017. PhD Environmental Health. Oxidative stress responses in the aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum (L.), as biomarkers of metal exposure.

Kamta. 2018. Master of Environmental Health. Bioaccumulation and mixture toxicity of aluminium and manganese in experimentally exposed woodlice, Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda).

A-L Kruger. 2019. PhD Environmental Health. The use of sentinel organisms to evaluate the health of metal contaminated forest ecosystems in the Western Cape, South Africa.

Fru. 2020. Masters of Environmental Health summa cum laude. Copper and zinc in water, sediment and gastropods in the harbours of the Cape Town Metropole, South Africa.

Awe. 2020. PhD Chemistry. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Diep- and Plankenburg Rivers and potential remediation using charred Vitis vinifera (grape) leaf litter.

Rodewald. 2020. Masters of Conservation Science summa cum laude. A morphological and molecular study of Polydora cf. websteri (Annelida: Spionidae): Accurate identification towards improved management of a globally distributed pest of cultured molluscs.

Jacobs. Current. Masters of Environmental Management. Contamination sources and concentrations of metal pollutants in the Eerste River, Cape Town, South Africa.

Menze. Current. Masters of Conservation Science. Temporal and spatial distribution of selected metals in the Black and Liesbeek Rivers, Cape Town, South Africa.