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Primary font

Our primary font is Helvetica Neue LT Standard, which has a large number of weights and variants. It is advised that not all of these are used. The following are recommended:

  • 35 Thin / 36 Thin Italic
  • 45 Light / 46 Light Italic
  • 55 Roman / 56 Italic
  • 65 Medium / 66 Medium Italic
  • 75 Bold / 76 Bold Italic

The condensed faces, such as 47 Light Condensed, can also be used, particularly where there is a large amount of body copy and limiting space, keeping the number of pages to a minimum, is a priority.

img branding primary font 2

This is Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Light

img branding helvetica neue lt std light

This is Helvetica Neue LT Std 55 Roman

img branding helvetica neue lt std roman

This is Helvetica Neue LT Std 47 Light Condensed and 37 Thin Condensed

img branding helvetica neue lt std light thin

This is Helvetica Neue LT Std in various weights

img branding helvetica neue lt std various weights


Secondary font

Arial is our secondary brand font. It must only be used where Helvetica Neue LT cannot be, such as in Word stationery. Arial has a large font family, consisting of Light, Regular, Medium, Bold Extra Bold and Black, with all of these in italic variations. There are condensed versions of most weights too, and fonts called Arial Narrow and Arial Rounded. None of these may be used as the secondary font.

img branding arial regular bold


Tertiary font

Open font is our tertiary brand font. It is a Google font and must only be used on our website.