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CALICO, the Cape Library Cooperative, is a consortium of the libraries of the four tertiary educational institutions in the Western Cape. It aims to stimulate economic development and promote information literacy in the Western Cape via the existing information services. The ultimate vision is to enhance the provision of information to all who needed, where they need it and in the form they want it. Visit their website for more details.

See the Access and Borrowing agreement between the CALICO institutions.

CALICO Libraries:

Cape Peninsula University of Technology
University of Cape Town
University of Stellenbosch
University of the Western Cape

CALICO provides a central office from which the library products jointly purchased by the consortium is managed. The products include Aleph, Metalib and SFX.

  • Aleph is a R13 million library system purchased with external funding and is the CALICO’s biggest achievement to date. Via Aleph, all library users have access to the collections housed at the participating institutions.
  • Metalib is a library portal offering access to all the library’s databases and enables the searching of multiple databases concurrently.
  • SFX enables the delivery of full-text electronic resources to the user’s desktop.
  • The collections of the CALICO libraries are available to all postgraduate users and staff and can be accessed either by visiting the library or by requesting the item via Inter-Library loan.
  • A van service visits each of the CALICO libraries on a daily basis facilitating the sharing of resources.
  • The externally-funded Ariel document transfer system in use in CALICO allows the Library access to Ariel-connected libraries around the globe for the purpose of rapid transfer of document images of, e.g. periodicals articles.

CHELSA agreement:

Under the Chelsa agreement M and D students may be given a letter of referral to any HEI for library membership. Unlike the Calico agreement, all Chelsa referrals must be done by the Office of the Director. Complete this form and submit for approval at the Office of the Director.